Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Who Is Responsible For Carbon Footprints?

Do you know about - Who Is Responsible For Carbon Footprints?

According to the Bbc which is commenting on a report, the over 50s are the worst carbon culprits. Apparently the age group in the middle of 50 and 64 produce on median 13.52 tonnes of carbon per person. The rest of the Uk median is 11.81 tonnes. Contributing to this carbon footprint for this age group are high car dependence, holidays abroad and eating out. To me these seem to be examples of lifestyle choices.

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How is Who Is Responsible For Carbon Footprints?

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Electric Choice.

It therefore comes as a surprise to see that this age group is particularly concerned about the effects this is having on the environment and are worried about what kind of condition they are leaving the earth to their children. The presuppose for the surprise on my part is the fact that the offering this age group makes to the endangerment of the planet is a life style choice. They could pick to use their cars less, or not at all. They could go out less, and use trains rather than fly to go on holiday.

But what is truly phenomenal is the fact that this age group is seeing towards the government to do something about this. They see the government as failing. This author of the report on Greening the Greys, a Dr Gary Haq, is quoted as saying the government needs to take activity to make a low carbon lifestyle an easier option.

It seems the citizens of the Uk feel that life choices need to be dictated to by the government? However, this is not quite so. One move by government to infringe on an individual's selection of lifestyle and all hell will break lose, to the extent that there will be calls for the government to step down. Probably not quite as bad! Just trying to make a point... It just seems peculiar that the citizen seem to expect government to sort out all the problems, on profit of the citizens.

If the citizens hand over responsibility to the state, then the state is responsible for their polluting the environment. With other words, if I abdicate responsibility, then I don't truly have to think about it, or heaven forbid truly spend money double glazing my windows, insulating the roof, putting solar panels on for electricity, using a train and taking my holidays closer to home, than flying two or three times a year etc. None of these activities are that hard to fathom out, that addressing them would truly advantage the environment. Even the most brain dead citizen could maybe understand these preventive measures. They are truly written about extensively. There are many website and books ready to assist in improving ones knowledge on how to reduce ones carbon emissions.

This does not mean that company and government do not have their own responsibility towards the environment. But to hand over ones responsibility to them, seems truly weird. I wonder either this happens often and in other parts of life in the Uk. Is this because the Uk has a monarchy? With other words, the Brits like to be subjects. And being a field brings with it the opinion of doing as one is told. Which also of policy includes such things as carbon emissions.

On the other hand, who is to blame for the air traffic industry's carbon footprint? Do we blame the passengers, or the air lines who offer ridiculously cheap flights which makes it so much more captivating to fly, than the tediousness of hour long trains and bus journeys. captivating thought.

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