Friday, August 3, 2012

Natural Approaches to Battling Depression - 5 Steps to Success

Do you know about - Natural Approaches to Battling Depression - 5 Steps to Success

Depression affects many citizen at some point in their lives. It has a high cost to us emotionally and physically, leaving us hopeless, anxious about the future, unmotivated and low in physical energy, and unfulfilled in relationships. Anything the cause of the depression - unresolved past grief, current life challenges, brain chemistry issues - it is leading to address the problem. While it may be principal in severe cases to resort to pharmaceutical medications, many cases of milder depression can be successfully addressed straight through natural methods.

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How is Natural Approaches to Battling Depression - 5 Steps to Success

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Here are 5 steps to successfully treating depression naturally:

1. Address your diet. The mind and body are inextricably connected together, and the condition of one affects the condition of the other. If you are eating a lot of very processed foods and sugar, try instead to focus your diet around fresh vegetables and fruits, lean proteins, and whole grains. Often appetite is impacted by depression. If you find yourself losing your appetite, try carrying around snacks and/or leaving them around where you will often walk by them. Grab a handful here and there. Try eating salutary snacks, particularly high protein snacks such as jerky and nuts (almonds or cashews are a good selection than peanuts). If you tend to overeat, make sure you are not eating while distracted, i.e. In front of the tv, and set a time in the evening past which you don't eat any more.

2. Try natural supplements. Start with a good food based multivitamin, and a calcium supplement, particularly if you do not eat a lot of calcium rich foods. Add a fish oil supplement. Fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties and cardiovascular benefits, along with benefits to brain health. L-Theanine is a good anti-anxiety supplement to try, in conjunction with 5 Htp (hydroxytryptophan), which is a natural antidepressant and precursor to the brain neurotransmitter serotonin, responsible for mood regulation.

3. Exercise. Check with your doctor to rule an accepted exercise agenda for you. The ideal exercise agenda to alleviate depression focuses on cardiovascular exercise. What you want is to choose activities that will raise your heart rate for a sustained period of time, so that endorphins are released. Ideally, you will work up to 45 minutes of cardio exercise 5 times per week.

4. Talk out your problems. A professional consultant you are comfortable with and with whom you have a rapport can be an perfect resource. You will get an unbiased and trained perspective on your issues. Also, confiding in close friends and family can give you the emotional connection and sustain you need to overcome your depressive symptoms.

5. Take small steps each day to honor and care for yourself. Originate a list of many small pleasures you enjoy. Each day, make it a point to do one of those kind things for yourself. When you perfect each activity, cross it off your list. When the list is exhausted, make a new one.

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