Saturday, June 2, 2012

Twitting About With Ease

Pa Electric Choice - Twitting About With Ease
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Pa Electric Choice! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Allow me to state the obvious. collective media is Big right now - FaceThis, TwittThat, Link-Schmink. everybody is talking about it, but there are lots of folks who see it as just another foreign technology language that leaves them feeling left out, overwhelmed and resentful that things aren't the way they used to be.

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How is Twitting About With Ease

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Pa Electric Choice.

I've heard more than one frustrated enterprise owner wish for a magic wand that could generate and implement a collective networking strategy for them. If you are one of these people, I have good news and bad news.

The good news: you can get help setting up profiles and connecting the tools together from population who specialize in things like strategic marketing. (No apology for the blatant and shameless plug.)

The bad news: once it's all set up, you have to show up to be collective and network.

Networking is networking is networking and is built on the premise that population do enterprise with population that they know, like and trust. I calculate this has been true even way back in the days of caveman commerce.

Homo Sapiens are collective critters; and yet lots of enterprise owners would love it if buying stationery, enterprise cards and a Yellow Pages ad were sufficient to cause customers to appear.

All the new collective media tools are just that - tools. They are just a new way of doing the same old thing of connecting with population in the hope of looking areas of mutual advantage to do enterprise together.

There was a time when the only way to cut wood was with a hand saw -- you know, the kind with a wooden handle and a steel blade with shark-like teeth along one edge. I bet when the electric saw showed up on the scene, there were some guys who view it was the greatest thing since sliced bread and some who view it would ruin the wood cutting forever!

Same is true with this whole collective networking thing. If you're not getting a warm and fuzzy feeling about the whole thing, maybe some of what follows will help you find a place to start.

LinkedIn is the saw of selection for folks who like to be able to make crisp, controlled precision cuts in the relieve (argh!) of three-inch heels and a enterprise suite. I have a LinkedIn inventory and belong to a integrate of groups - not a integrate hundred!. But to me, LinkedIn has much the same feel as the primary room of manufactures circuit. Others may disagree with this assessment. It's just my take on it.

Facebook is more like those cutesy craft scissors that scrapbooking enthusiasts use to make all sorts of squiggly and fun cuts. Being on Facebook is like being at the enterprise picnic. population are talking business, but in a more relaxed way, and there's lots more fun and peripheral conversation going on too.

Twitter is pretty much like happy hour. There's no need for saws or scissors here, just tear it up! population dart in and out of complicated conversations contribution up quick one-liners, tips and links to resources in a de facto relaxed way. In fact, I'm pretty sure if you try to interact on Twitter wearing a suit, your computer will crash!

The lowest line is this: start somewhere, and start small. Select one of the "Big 3" mentioned here. generate a profile and lurk for a while, sort of like a junior high school dance, see how the others are doing it. Once you get a feel for the atmosphere, stick your toe in and just be yourself.

Oh, and one foremost tip. Would you go to a room event with a ski mask on? Probably not, so be sure to contain a photo that shows your face when you generate a profile in any of these places. Happy collective networking!

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